Sunday, October 11, 2015

Joe Torre Needs To Suspend Chase Utley

Joe Torre's already called the horrible Utley slide a 'little late' (big huge DUH!!! for Mr. Torre on that one). And of course, Justin Upton put it best on Twitter: If that was a superstar shortstop we would have a Tulo Rule being enforced tomorrow. Exactly. Because Tejada's not an all-star shortstop like Troy Tulowitzki is. Or even Buster Posey, you know that MVP catcher for the SF Giants, who Major League Baseball changed the rule regarding collisions at home plate after a violent home plate smash-up broke his left leg and ended his season back in 2011. But to take it even further, I can't imagine Joe Torre saying Utley slid 'a little late' if he was managing the Yankees and Derek Jeter's leg got broken like that. Sure, it's understandable for Met fans to take the high road, be happy we got a split in L.A. and look forward to Harvey and Matz starting at home in games 3 and 4. But what Utley did was wrong, Mets fans have a right to be angry and Torre needs to do the right thing and suspend Utley for a slide that was not only late, but reckless, dangerous, dirty and flat-out wrong.

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